Tuesday 31 January 2012

Email usage

Your company's email system is supposed to be used for business purposes only. You should not be giving out your work email address to your friends and family but if you do, keep your personal emails to the bare minimum. But why would you want to use your work email anyway when you have web-based email applications like Hotmail and Gmail to use for your personal emails? Even with these web-based email applications, you should still keep your personal email usage to the very minimum.

The below are a few points on the topic of email usage at work.
  • Ask your manager if you are unclear on what is appropriate if you are not sure
  • Be careful of junk mail that may contain URL links or attachments. These could easily be viruses that can wreak havoc on your computer or network or even worse, steal confidential information. You should even be careful if the email appears to be coming from someone you know
  • Delete junk mail and make sure your trash/deleted folders are emptied as well
  • If someone internally sends you an email that is questionable or offensive, delete it without responding. If this is not the first time you received this type of email, you should talk to your manager or HR department
  • DO NOT send e-mail that could be considered offensive, angry, derogatory or insulting to someone else either inside the company or outside the company

Have you ever gotten a virus from an email?

Saturday 28 January 2012

Abide by your Employer’s Code of Conduct

It is important that you know your company’s policies on Email and Internet use, especially since you will be required to sign a document stating that you have read and understood them. I am sure many of you have seen these documents and briefly read through them and signed the document but it is important that you understand their policies so you don’t find yourself in a situation where you could be terminated. It will not be possible to say that you didn’t know. Over my next few blogs, I will be talking about how to avoid getting fired over internet use.

Have you or do you know anyone that has been fired due to internet misuse?