Thursday 8 March 2012

Do not look for another job

An employee will be more attractive to employers when the employee is already employed but that does not mean that the employee should be looking for a new job while at work. This could easily get you fired. You are on your employers time and I know that if I caught an employee searching for another job while at work, that would give me the impression that the employee does not want to stay so I would grant them their wish and let them go. So if you want to look for another job, just do it on your own time at home.

Have you ever searched for another job while at work? 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Do not gamble

This should be obvious but people still do it. Gambling can be fun but it must be done responsibly. There is a time and a place for it and work definitely is not the place for it. There are many gambling websites out there and with the popularity of Texas Hold ‘em Poker, one may be more tempted than ever. I know I enjoy playing Texas Hold ‘em but I know better than to play at work because I know if I ever get caught, that will definitely get me fired.

Friday 2 March 2012

Do not shop online

How many times have you been tempted to shop online when you are at work? I know I have but if you want to keep your job, you must stop yourself from doing so.

In the USA, there is a day called Cyber Monday which was created for consumers to shop online and although we don’t have this day to tempt us to shop online while we are at work, we still have Christmas, birthdays and other big online sales events. Is this temptation to do a little bit of shopping that can save you some time and/or money really worth risk of losing your job? I think not.